Once Upon a
Time, "Welcome to Storybroke"
everyone! Today I didn't know what to review and I said to myself "wait a
second, why not do a review about a TV show?" and since I just watch last
night's episode of Once Upon a time, I have decided to go with it. NOTE: THE
So, last
episode was one of the best of the (quite boring) second season. Snow turned to
the dark side and managed to kill Cora to protect her own family, something
that of course did not please Regina at all. Yesterday's episode though, was,
to me, far more interesting. It showed what happened right after the moment the
curse hit our world, told through the eyes of a father and a son, who come
across a little town called "Storybroke" that was not there some
hours ago. This storyline is used to show us the evolution that Regina went
through during the first days of her new life and how she came to realize that
she wanted someone to share it with (Henry). -- The most annoying thing about
this interesting story was the "surprise element" that was quite
predictable: The mysterious man of the hospital turns out to be the kid that
found Storybroke so many years ago, and he is back to find his lost father
(detained by Regina and Graham in a failed attempt to keep them both in town,
so that Regina could pretend to be the kid's mother).
On the
other side, we had a "present day" timeline in the episode. We saw
how affected is Regina for Cora's death, and we learn about her new plans (Kill
Snowhite, and get Henry back), using magic for both things. In the end, Henry
talks to her and she decides not to cast a spell upon him, which would make him
think that she loves her. However, her plans to kill Snow are still there, and
in a rather great ending we have a confrontation between the two of them.
Regina takes Snow's heart (upon her own request, for she wants to die so that
timeless fight between them can end), and to their surprise, the heart is going
dark. Regina fins her own vengeance, she puts Snow's heart back in her owner's
chest, and lets it become as dark as her own, which sounds even better than
killing her long time enemy.
Overall, I
liked the episode. Mainly because I love Regina, and every time you get a piece
of her story in which she is shown not only as the "bad guy" of the
show, you get more attached to her than to any other character. Emma, Charming
and Henry were (to me) quite useless, and Snow was a silent character up until
the end, which was great, because it was a great character evolution over just
one episode. Gold rocks as always so he needs no reviewing.
"big" surprise of the episode? Quite disappointing.
Watch it, the show is getting somewhat better.
I basically agree with you, the "big surprise" was not a big surprise after all, it was quite obvious that the boy was that guy (obviously grown up) looking for his father.
ResponderEliminarI liked very much the last 10 minutes, the little conversation of Gold and Snow of "how do you do it?". And Snow's decision is both heartbraking and stunning.
What I loved the most of this episode (apart from seeing Graham again!) was Regina. She is just incredible, and I find quite unfair that she's always casted as "the badass" when she's doing good things episode after episode. She doesn't cast the spell in Henry after all. And that's what I love, that the badass are not badass innerently, they have reasons to be badass.